Hi all,

As some of you already know (at least those who attended the JSFDays08
conference) I wrote a small goody project called "AspectEL" that I
would like to donate to the MyFaces community.

To give you an idea what it is about, here is the abstract of my
presentation called "Lightweight AOP with JSF":
Dealing with entities and domain objects in your JSF views and backing
beans is sometimes unnecessarily complicated. Aspect oriented
programming would be a much more elegant way to add GUI specific logic
directly to your entity classes rather than writing backing bean
methods for all these GUI tasks. Real highly sophisticated AOP
solutions might be overkill here and could make things even more
complicated. This sessions shows you a surprisingly easy way of adding
certain GUI aspects to your objects while dealing with them from
within the presentation layer.

Or in the words of a canvasser:
"AspectEL gives OOP back to your JSF managed beans"

You could also have a look at the slides [1] for more details about the theory.

If you are interested, please have a look at the source code and the
example application at [2].
Just drop the example war into your Tomcat 5.x and manage your
favorite beer brands.  ;-)

Please give me feedback.
If there is enough interest I will start a discussion/vote thread
about adding AspectEL as a new MyFaces sub project.


[2] http://people.apache.org/~manolito/aspectel-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip

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