Hey Matthias, Andrew -

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 7:07 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Andrew Robinson
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > When doing the panelBorderLayout enhancement, I had my first real
>  >  opportunity to work on those xss files. I can't say as I enjoyed it
>  >  that much. Is there any reason they exist, or is it simply that no one
>  +1
>  I hate them.

Ouch.  Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but that was a
long, long time ago (8 years ago). :-)

At the time I was concerned that modifying/enhancing the CSS language
in order to introduce the feature set that I needed would be
confusing/inappropriate, so decided to define the new features that I
needed via an XML wrapper.  However, looking back I am certainly glad
that we decided to change course and go down the CSS route.  On a
positive note, the underlying style handling code that I built for XSS
needed very little changing in order to support the new CSS-based
style definitions, so at least it wasn't a total waste of time. :-)

In any case, I am totally in favor of converting the remaining XSS over to CSS.

>  Jeanne, is that "legacy"?
>  >  has bothered converting them over to CSS?
>  I'd not mind... but let's wait for others.

There are a small number of features of XSS that we never had time to
port to the CSS-based style definitions.  A couple that come to mind

1. Language/locale-specific styles.
2. (Browser) version-specific styles.

Both of these should be fairly easy to support.  I would be happy to
add support for these if I can find the bandwidth (though bit
stretched thin at the moment).

It also looks like at some point since I was last actively working on
this we added a "mode" (standards vs quirks) feature to XSS.  Not sure
whether this is already present in our CSS implementation.  Currently
the "mode" feature only seems to be used for some IE/PPC styles
defined in base-desktop.xss.  It is possible these are no longer
needed (I can check with our mobile guys over here to see for sure.)

Oh, and looking at base-desktop.xss, one other feature of XSS that we
might not yet support in CSS is the <includeProperty> mechanism, which
allows one style to pull in a single property value from another
style, and optionally modify the style property name locally.  This
was used for one purpose only... It allowed us to define our color
ramps in a single location, and use those colors both as background
(ie. "background-color") as well as foreground (ie. "color") color

Jeanne would know if there are other features beyond these that also
need to be ported to our CSS implementation before we can kill off


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