Jihoon Kim schrieb:
> I was hoping to start a vote of creation of MyFaces Alchemy as a
> subproject to hold bridging of various Web 2.0 and new technology to
> JSF. Even if you have voted in a previous post, please vote here as
> well to get an accurate count and an accurate viewpoint.
> The initial batch of code that integrates Adobe Flex [open sourced
> through MPL which is approved within Apache] with JSF has been written
> and can be viewed within the following JIRA link [recently made some
> improvements within the code] =>
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMAHAWK-1250
> If the vote is affirmative then I hope that MyFaces will propose to
> the Incubator PMC to accept MyFaces Alchemy as a Podling within the
> Incubator.
> For ref, the proposal has been written up within the following
> Incubator wiki page =>
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/MyFacesAlchemyProposal
> Thanks!!!
I'm still voting -1 on having a flash-based project within MyFaces
unless someone can show that this code works with a non-proprietory
Flash player.

I'd be happy to see this project succeed, but not here at Apache. This
foundation exists to promote open source software, not provide wrappers
for proprietory tools.


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