Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
> Hi,
> when doing a checkout of myfaces, pretty much everything is build.
> Fine.
> Except Trinidad and Tobago. No problem with that.
> But, when just updating a single svn-folder, like tomahawk, there is a very
> high chance that the build pretty much fails. Why? because it depends
> on snapshots that are build via the "master myfaces" build.
> In this case I am refering to the myfaces-builder plugin.
> Isn't is kinda annoying that you always have to build all?
> Just b/c of a snapshot dependency?
> At least to me.
> Why not "testing" the builder-snapshot in a branch (like
> tomahawk-move-to-builder-branch).
> Do a builder release, once stable. And update trunk.  (I am only using
> builder-plug as an example).
> That's what we do for Trinidad. It doesn't depend on a snapshot
> plugin, so it is easy (and
> straightforward) to build it.
> Not sure why there is this, build the world first philosophy :-)
> What do you think ?
Add the following to ~/.m2/settings.xml. Then add "-Papachesnap" when
building a project.

This allows maven to download stuff published to the snapshot
repository. Which is kind of useful when building snapshot projects :-)

          <name>Maven Snapshots</name>
          <name>Maven Plugin Snapshots</name>


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