Hello Scott,

Scott O'Bryan schrieb:
> Bernd,
> So to get this straight, is this going to be an extra jar file that you
> add to the classpath and allows for partial lifecycle processing or is
> this a change to the Trinidad impl itself?
It's an optional jar file. But for a working partial lifecycle some of
the renderer and javascript must be changed a little bit. The changes
don't effect the old unoptimized lifecycle.

> If the latter, I think we need to be very careful about changing the
> unoptimized lifecycle until people have a chance to wrap their heads
> around it.  If the former, then I would be willing to take a look, I had
> some similar ideas recently and think this can only benifit the project.

Certainly it should be reviewed by more people. I don't know all
internals of trindad.
> Also, is there any real way we can take a look at the code before it's
> committed?  Maybe move it to the sandbox first so people can take a more
> detailed look at it?

I would prefer a commit and review policy. I think it should not part of
the sandbox. The new artifact don't need api, imp... it's only a jar
with a LifecycleFactory. I can add the trinidad-partial-lifecycle module




> Also I don't undersand your todo's..  I have been off for a month with a
> new child so I suppose it's possible I'm missing something.

Without the code you can't understand the todo's.
The list is only a summery of the todo's in the code.



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