> However, as Matthias pointed out, JSF 2.0 standardize Trinidad's principal
> core features namely PPR and Resource handling and hopefully skinning too.
> Under such circumstances, I feel that we should wait for 2.0 to be cemented
> before going through a massive refactoring of some of the old and twisted
> code parts so that the refactored design is fully compatible with 1.2, but
> using 2.0 concept to make the upgrade to 2.0 easier imho.

Although those are really good concerns, I wonder how long it will
take JSF2 to be adopted. It seems like many are even reluctant to
adopt 1.2. So I wonder if it is still worth it for us to make an
effort to at least clean up the 1.2 trunk? (I did not mention the 1.0
trunk as I seem to have lost my desire to maintain the JSF 1.1 code

I guess it comes down to time and desire. I worry about the UIXNode
conversion as I don't yet fully understand that code enough to feel
comfortable porting it without missing things. I guess I could create
sandbox renderers for the components, then if they look complete, we
could promote them & replace the UIXNode ones at that time. Is there a
WIKI page that I missed that talks about how to convert these guys or
about any of the UIXNode architecture?


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