I'm almost done.I think I can work on it this Thursday and then commit it.
But I've broken my test webapp, so I'll have to fix that before I can test
the stuff... ;-)

When it's in SVN, we have the necessary boilerplate to stay out of each
others' way. ;-)

Untill then, if you are bored, you can take a look at how to configure xbean
in such a way that all neccessary jars/classes are scanned. This is still an
open issue which needs to be fixed early, since you can't test properly
without it.


2009/3/3 Curtiss Howard <curtiss.how...@gmail.com>

> > Sounds like a good plan. We can elaborate on this. But first, I'd like to
> > clean up the current FacesConfigurator class (split up into some
> > ConfiguratorStrategy classes). This will make it easier to work on the
> > codebase together without having annoying merge conflicts. I can do this
> > quite quickly I think...
> Thanks JK!  Is there a JIRA issue opened for this or should I open
> one?  I also don't mind contributing some of the code to get this off
> the ground.
> Thanks,
> Curtiss Howard

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