Sorry to jump in here as well, I assume the best thing again in this area is simply to write a mockup and then test against the RI javascripts before going against ours (or vice versa)...

After all the entire ResponseWriter comes down to a handful of methods
which also could theoretically be triggered within a servlet context
and 1-2 supporting mockup classes....


Ganesh schrieb:
Hi Simon,

After we got getting most of the Javascript running I want to switch next week to the Java part as there is partial processing within the phases, the PartialResponseWriter, the f:ajax tag and some more to be done.

I've checked out the "Apache MyFaces JSF Core-2.0 API" Netbeans project but within Netbeans but it shows compile errors. I'm missing classes javax.faces.UISelectItems, UIMessage and UIMessages to compile classes _SelectItemsIterator, _HtmlMessages and _HtmlMessage. Is this due to the uncomplete development or am I missing anything substantial?

How far has the development come? Is it worth starting a maven build and trying to run the whole thing? Is there a trivial testcase that is already functional?

Best Regards,

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