Simon Kitching schrieb:
tely is not suitable for swing and others.

Why doesn't partial-page-updating make sense for presentation layers
other than HTML?

Because the way it is defined makes only sense in html...
Other presentation layers can do something similar but they have to go their own way...

I will give an example:
The spec say, ppr has to be done by encoding the values of the form elements and send them asynchrously and queued to the server. That is sort of general but still very http centric...

The real html specifics come in the response, where there are clearly references to html body and head tags...

The way I see it is that html makes such things extra hard, in swing implementing a ppr probably would be a ten lines of code, you dont have to deal with browser specifics, dom, and xhr nastyness but you can use sockets and a real isolated component model...

So f:ajax to me makes really only sense in a html domain, other domains which can support similar mechanisms have better alternatives to deal with this! (Real sockets, isolated component models, better communcation layers like rmi or corba, real threads instead of an xhr hack)


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