
With all the community feedback in favour of t:ajax I gave it some more thought and came up with a solution: tomahawk can bring it's own myfaces.js file that t:ajax builds on. This solution does have a whole bunch of benefits:

- the optimization options become available to Mojarra users
- Mojarra Javascript bugs don't affect t:ajax users
- view options like disable (naming elements to disable while xhr runs) and loadingbar (a turning snake to display while xhr is running) can be integrated with t:ajax - the options can be used naturally <t:ajax execute="..." render="..." pps="..." disable="..."/>, no more need for a myfaces subarray
- defaulting can include pps="true" and queuesize="1"
- myfaces.js would include a function myfaces.ajax.request that is triggered by t:ajax. The parameters of myfaces.ajax.request could also be set up more naturally, the need for a myfaces subarray would drop out: myfaces.ajax.request(execute:"..." render:"..." pps:"..." disable:"..."), thus aligning the procedural and the declarative solution

If we decide to go this way I would remove the special options from the cores Javascript too.

We've got 4 different proposed solutions now:

1.) extra options in t:ajax and myfaces.ajax.request
2.) optimization options as attributes of f:ajax
3.) optimization options within f:attributes nested in f:ajax
4.) a separate taglibrary with a single tag mf:ajax included with the core

Should I set up a vote on this?

Best Regards,

Cagatay Civici schrieb:
Then just document t:ajax is an extension that's not compatible with RI.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Ganesh <gan...@j4fry.org <mailto:gan...@j4fry.org>> wrote:


    The options don't work with the RI, so t:ajax isn't feasable afaik.

    Best Regards,

    Cagatay Civici schrieb:

        The legacy way myfaces followed for a long time is to have
        standards in core and extensions in tomahawk. Isn't it the
        whole idea of t:inputText, t:dataTable?

        So I'm -1 as well for that kind of extensions in core so
        t:ajax sounds fine.


        On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ganesh <gan...@j4fry.org
        <mailto:gan...@j4fry.org> <mailto:gan...@j4fry.org
        <mailto:gan...@j4fry.org>>> wrote:


           How would you get the options into tomahawk? They rely on the
           Javascript core and tomahawk needs to run with the RI.

           What is myfaces:ajax? Is it another namespace included with the
           core, containing only a single tag?

           It seems confusing for the users to have additional options
           available on jsf.ajax.request which cannot be triggered
        when using
            the declarative approach without adding an extensions jar.

           Best Regards,

           Werner Punz schrieb:

               Sorry I have not read the original post here....

               I agree with Simon in the regard, that we should not
               add the options thing to our standard f:ajax tag, but
        would go
               even further to add nothing to f:ajax at all which is
               of the spec!

               The reason for this is, it would break the behavior we have
               done in the past and people relied upon. Up until now
        we added
               extensions on tag level via our own tag(Partially
        enforced by
               the TCK)

               So -1 to adding anything custom to f:ajax
               +1 to enable the users to access our internal custom
               with myfaces:ajax or t:ajax

               Sorry for my lengthy post before, which was semi off
        topic, I
               should had read the entire conversation before posting
        a reply.


               Ganesh schrieb:

                   Hi Simon,

                   Avoiding any change of behaviour within myfaces special
                   options doesn't seem adequate to me. EVERY myfaces
                   will change the behaviour. MyFaces 1.2 supports


                   With this option set some applications may add non
                   serializable beans to the state, breaking compatibility
                   with other implementations. It is obvious to the
                   options starting with myfaces can induce compatibility

                   Imho you hit the point when you said before that core
                   extensions should be avoided
                   "if they do fundamentally change the behaviour of the
                   app". Standard applications should be remain
        portable in
                   spite of implementation options set.
                   Here's a short discussion on the portability issues
        of the
                   proposed extension options:
                   - With myfaces:pps set to true applications that
                   request parameters within phase 5 could change their
                   - With myfaces:errorlevel set to WARNING
        applications that
                   have a Javascript part
                   that relies on some errorlisteners being triggered
                   change behaviour.
                   - With myfaces:queuesize set to 1 it's hard to
        think of an
                   application that would change behaviour. Maybe a button
                   that increases a counter by 1 (or scrolls a list by 1
                   page) on each click would miss some of the clicks
        if the
                   user has a "quick thumb".
                   I cannot think of a szenario where myfaces:queuesize=1
                   would make an application run
                   into errors (can you?).

                   I think all 3 of these are special cases where minor
                   changes of behaviour occur, none of them fundamentally
                   changes the behaviour of the app.

                   Best Regards,

                       Adding behaviour-changing features to standard
        tags is
                       setting a
                       portability trap for users, where their app will
                       silently fail to run
                       correctly when executed on a different JSF
                       implementation. That seems
                       unacceptable to me, even if the TCK cannot
                       detect it.

                       So for the two params you are proposing which
        are just
                       tweaks, just attributes on f:ajax, or using nested
                       f:attribute seems ok.
                       But for the other one (queueLength?) I would
                       recommend an
                       mf:ajax or mf:attribute tag be created.

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