
thanks for helping. It worked just fine.

Is this written somewhere? I can write about it if you point me where the appropriate place is.


Leonardo Uribe wrote:

This file is on shared project:

svn repo:
link to find site :

Tomahawk unpack shared code and add it, so if you want change this file, you have to follow this steps:

1. Checkout, make the update and compile.
3. Change tomahawk shared related var to the version you are compiling (if you are using the latest code 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT and 3.0.7-SNAPSHOT), on its pom.xml (not core or core12 pom, the main pom).
3. Compile and the resulting artifacts should have the change.


Leonardo Uribe

2009/6/9 Ramiro Pereira de Magalhaes < <>>


    I downgraded my maven to version 2.0.9 but I still can't have my
    changes compiled. I'm trying to change the
    class and package it with maven. This class is located in my
    folder. I am changing the correct file? I mean, this one is under
    a "target" folder, and I could not locate anywhere else this class.


    Ganesh wrote:

        Hi Ramiro,

        Please try downgrading maven to 2.0.9. It's either the
        build-helper-maven-plugin or myfaces-builder-plugin that isn't
        compatible with maven 2.1

        Best regards,

        Ramiro Pereira de Magalhaes schrieb:


            I checked out Tomahawk (for JSF 1.2) from Subversion
            to make some changes in the code and make an internal
            distribution of it to my company, since I have to comply
            with an internal policy that says that all applications
            must render XHTML 1.0 Transitional pages. I made some
            changes but when I run "mvn install" some plugin causes my
            modifications to be ignored. How can I create a customized
            Tomahawk package with maven?


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