
I have provided a patch which fixes issue 1649 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-1649>. The fix is to update the Trinidad ResponseWriter classes to override the new APIs added to javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter in JSF2.0. I am working on a project that uses the JSF 2.0 Ajax channel over Trinidad's and without these changes, the partial response never gets built properly.

The changes made are:
ResponseWriterDecorator.java (now extends ResponseWriterWrapper. Ideally we should remove ResponseWriterDecorator entirely and just use JSF2.0 ResponseWriterWrapper) HtmlResponseWriter.java (overrides 2 new methods added to javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter but never really gives a compilation error).
XmlResponseWriter.java (same as above)
XhtmlResponseWriter.java (-do-)

If there are no questions regarding this change, I would like to submit my patch for approval.


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