Yes. :).


"Matthias Wessendorf wrote:" On 12/3/2009 9:40 AM PT:
got rid of all the HTML formating...

you filed three against Trinidad ?
I only saw two and the one against the RI, so is that the third one ?


On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Pavitra Subramaniam
<> wrote:
"Matthias Wessendorf wrote:" On 12/3/2009 4:44 AM PT:

Hi Pavitra,

ok. Not sure I really got everything here...

Once I apply the "IllegalStateException.patch", and I run the
"pprDemos.jspx" (there is no ajaxPPRDemos.jspx; not in the demo, nor
in the patch),
I get the following JS alert() Error, when I do some ajax stuff (e.g.
clicking the "partialSubmit Button" button in the pprDemos.jspx page):
(I had to modify the pprDemos.jspx page by adding <h:outputScript />
to trigger the JS rendering, for the Ajax library)

1. The patch I sent you didn't have ajaxPPRDemos.jspx :(. Will provide one that 
2. It's good you added the <h:outputScript> but to see the exception it needs 
to be placed in the middle of the page (like my e.g., had the outputScript appear 
after a tr:panelGroupLayout).
3. With #2 you will see the execption, and not see the JS alert error 
(malformed XML) as this is a different problem for which I have logged an issue 
with JSF RI.

=> malformed XML: Top level node must be one of: changes, redirect,
error, received: #text instead
I am running on => Ubuntu 9.10 and Firefox is 3.5.5. A screenshot of
the response is attached to this mail

I also don't get any server-side error regarding the IllegalStateException.

See #2 above.

Are you talking about a specific page, which you forgot to include in
your page ?
Or am I just missing something here ? Let me know :-)

Yes. I filed 3 different issues and I am not surprised I uploaded the wrong 
patch :(. Sigh.

- pavitra

PS: I only CC'd you as I want to make sure you receive the attached image... ;-)


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 9:01 PM, Pavitra Subramaniam
<> wrote:


I have provided a patch which fixes issue 1649. The fix is to update the
Trinidad ResponseWriter classes to override the new APIs added to
javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter in JSF2.0. I am working on a project that
uses the JSF 2.0 Ajax channel over Trinidad's and without these changes, the
partial response never gets built properly.

The changes made are: (now extends ResponseWriterWrapper. Ideally we
should remove ResponseWriterDecorator entirely and just use JSF2.0
ResponseWriterWrapper) (overrides 2 new methods added to
javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter but never really gives a compilation
error). (same as above) (-do-)

If there are no questions regarding this change, I would like to submit my
patch for approval.



Matthias Wessendorf


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