FYI, it still does occur with JSF2, at least on the JSF2 AJAX branch
we have. It results in a nice NullPointerException on the server
actually, very ugly.


On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 8:06 AM, Max Starets <> wrote:
> Mathias,
> I agree that we should do something about TRINIDAD-943.
> The discussion you pointed out does indeed show a workable solution
> ( -
> the idea is that you would have a filter that would check:
> Check if the current request is a Trinidad PPR request
> If it is, and there is no existing user HTTP Session, write out a redirect
> response and do not invoke the filter chain.
> It is somewhat of a hack of course...
> Max
> Mathias Walter wrote:
> Hi,
> one of the most frustration things with Trinidad (IMHO) is the
> ViewExpiredException occurring if a session times out and a user invokes an
> ajax action.
> I found no solution to overcome this problem, since two years. There is also
> a critical bug reported in JIRA at February, 2008:
> But there is no progress
> on the bug.
> Last year I found a discussion at
> and added
> this link to the JIRA issue. I also tried to implement the proposed solution
> but was not able to do that.
> In one of my projects I'm using JBoss Seam. Seam can handle the
> ViewExpiredException, but Trinidad not.
> I was wondering why there is no progress on the bug. How do other developers
> handle this exception? Since ajax is everywhere, and there are a lot of
> projects based on Trinidad, the error must be seriously. But I never got an
> error message on other AJAX-based websites. They already function, but my
> application not.
> Maybe I did something wrong with the configuration files or I missed some
> documentation.
> Please help me to fix this notorious and annoying bug.
> BTW: Does this problem will occur with JSF 2.0 or is it covered by the spec?
> --
> Kind regards,
> Mathias

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