
Are you getting the same results with Mojarra 2.0.1?


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

I gave it a quick try. Here are my results:


JSF_RI (Mojarra 2.0.2 (SNAPSHOT 20091204)) results:

I entered some text and clicked "submit via JSF Ajax"

Got this (in an alert JS box):
httpError: The Http Transport returned a 0 status code.  This is
usually the result of mixing ajax and full requests.  This is usually
undesired, for both performance and data integrity reasons.

second click on the same button I got this JS error.

mojarra is not defined
[Break on this error] var func = new Function("event", handler);

===> the "submit" button works.

MyFaces 2.0.0-SNAPHOT results:
(using snapshot since the ViewExpiredException is gone in latest snapshot )

* "submit" button gives me this ALERT() box:
"TypeError: this._ajaxOldDomElements is null"

followed by this:

* Submit via JSF Ajax:

I get this alert() BOX:
"httpError-httpError-Request failed"

Are there any other pages where I can test the new functionality ?


On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Max Starets <> wrote:
Just a few minor additions -
- PartialViewContext.isAjaxRequest() will be returning true for the requests
sent with jsf ajax
as well as the legacy "partialSubmit=true" requests.
- Trinidad's partial triggers will be honored for the jsf ajax requests.
However, this will currently work only with execute="@all". Once we start
adding trigger listeners
during the PostRestoreView event processing, instead of decode, this
limitation will go away.


Andrew Robinson wrote:
Well after a bit of work, the JSF2 AJAX branch is ready for testing to
see if we want to merge it into the trunk.


- jsf.ajax.request used to submit PPR requests from the request queue
- server serves JSF2 payload, differing if an IFRAME submission is
detected for Trinidad to send down script libraries
- iframe processing through legacy code, but updated to use a valid JSF2
- iframe still sends Tr-XHR-Message to let the server know its a legacy
- legacy request supports DOM replacement but none of the new
functionality of JSF2 (attribute updates for example)
- TrPage integrated with JSF2 events to correctly broadcast DOM change
notifications and restore focus
- If users find errors in the jsf.js libraries, setting the
_useJsfBuiltInAjaxForXhr property of the request queue to false will
bypass usage of jsf.ajax. We can add support for a public way of doing
this later if necessary.
- Server side integration with the JSF2 APIs and client behaviors,
JSF2 submission working along side of partialSubmit=true and auto PPR.

Thank you,



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