
I've started working on my GSoC project "Automated webapp tests for MyFaces
core and extensions",
and the first target of the project is to create an testing API that will be
used for the project's testing of
MyFaces core, and if required for any extensions.

For this after some studying and discussions I proposed Arquillian as a
framework in order to be integrated
into the API. Other frameworks that I considered are HTTPUnit and Canoo

What do you think about Arquillian, any other ideas, should we reconsider
another framework? The scope
of the API is to be used for MyFaces core, bot also for any extension and
application testing that is needed.

For more reference regarding my GSoC proposal and Arquillian documentation
you can check out:

   - http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/GSoC2010_AutomatedTests
   - http://docs.jboss.org/arquillian/reference/latest/en-US/html_single/


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