Hi guys, Would you like to see MyFaces Core ship with JBoss AS6? If so, read on.
If you've been around MyFaces awhile, you probably remember that JBoass AS used to ship with MyFaces instead of Mojarra. It was regrettable, but at the time Mojarra was far ahead spec-wise and the powers that be decided my time would be better spent integrating Mojarra instead of improving MyFaces.
However, with JBoss AS6 M4, this is no longer an "either or" proposition. Both MyFaces and Mojarra can live side-by-side. The application can decide which implementation to use: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JSFonJBossAS6
What's more, changing the default JSF implementation for AS6 is just a matter of changing the defaultJSFConfig property in an XML file.
I've talked internally at JBoss about adding MyFaces to the JBoss AS community distribution. Some were for it, and some were very, very for it. Nobody so far is against it.
The good part is that I don't think it's a lot of work. It's probably just three or four classes that implement SPI's that I'm guessing MyFaces already has.
So this is where the MyFaces Dev group comes in. MyFaces Core 2.0 will run OK on JBoss AS6 right now. However, there is some integration work that is needed for full JEE5 and JEE6 compliance. We need: * An injection provider SPI similar to Mojarra's com.sun.faces.spi.InjectionProvider. * The JBoss/MyFaces implementation of the SPI. I expect this will be very similar to org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.injection.JBossDelegatingInjectionProvider. * An AnnotationProvider SPI similar to Mojarra's com.sun.faces.spi.AnnotationProvider. * A JBoss/MyFaces implementation of the SPI similar to org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossAnnotationProvider. * A ServletContextListener class to call for initialization. I expect this will extend from MyFacesServletContextListener and be very similar to org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossMojarra20ConfigureListener.
If MyFaces Dev decides to take this on, then the code will probably live at Apache and I'll bring it into JBoss AS using Maven. I don't have time to write and maintain the code myself but I'm happy to help out with guidance and to do some refactoring of my code to make this easier. BTW, the JBoss/Mojarra integration code lives here: http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/jboss-jsf-int/trunk/jboss-faces/
Lastly, let me say that I can't make hard promises right now. I don't know if someone at JBoss/RedHat will come along and nix the idea. However, even if we can't ship MyFaces you will have all the integration points ready and have an easy way to "drop in" MyFaces whenever you want to use it with JBoss AS.