Hi any helping hand is welcome you did an outstanding job, and welcome to the "club".

Btw. I am just a bystander to this issue, how much improvement did you get by all this measures, do you have any performance or size numbers?


Am 18.08.10 15:55, schrieb Marius Petoi:

The improvements I made in the GSoC project regarding state saving are:

- add the size of the saved state for each of the components in the
debug page.
- remove the VISITED_FACET_COUNT ATTRIBUTE attribute used by UIDebug
from the component attributes map
- remove ATTACHED_OBJECT_HANDLERS from the component's attribute map
- remove MARK_DELETED attribute from the component's attribute map
- modify UIInput components so that when no value has been set before
and an attempt to set the default value is made, this is not done.
- improve the invokeOnComponent and visitTree methods in UILeaf
components, which normally have no children.

I want to continue working on the MyFaces project after the GSoC program
is finished. If you have any other suggestions about improvements on
state saving (and not only), please tell me.

Best regards,

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