
There exists 2 version because the handling of Bean Validation annotations
is completely different then the 'standard' ones (you are using JPA
annotations but there exists also ExtVal annotations like @Required that do
more or less the same as the Bean Validation annotations)

The issue that you have now is that the Required Label add-on (BV version)
is not recognizing the NON Bean validation annotations.

I'll have a look now that I know more of the context.

Did you add only the bean-validation module to the project or also
property-validation module ?

But commenting out the super.initComponent as you proposed will result in
not recognizing the Bean validation annoations anymore.


On 27 October 2010 16:09, <> wrote:

>  Rudy,
> I haven't tried the non-bean version yet but was just wondering if this is
> the only difference between the two versions?
> If so, why not just make one version that applies the correct component
> init/config method based on the annotation type (bean vs property)?
> Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 27, 2010 9:40 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: ext-bv addon: Required Initialization for labels required
> change
> Hi Rudy,
> I am using both property and bean validation. The labels of concern,
> though, are annotated using @Column(...nullable=false). So perhaps we've
> discovered my issue. Thanks!
> I will drop in the non-bean validation version and see how that works.
> Is there any reason why I can't/shouldn't use both?
> Finally, the target component is standard JSF.
> Thanks!
> Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Rudy De Busscher []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 27, 2010 8:40 AM
> *To:* MyFaces Development
> *Subject:* Re: ext-bv addon: Required Initialization for labels required
> change
> Hello Ben,
> I made a few checks and within my examples everything works (they don't use
> Richfaces however).  Can it be that you are mixing some environments ??
> The line of code
> *ExtValUtils.**configureComponentWithMetaData**(facesContext,
> targetComponent, ExtValUtils.**getTransformedMetaData(**facesContext,
> targetComponent));*
> is typical for the usage WITHOUT bean validation.
> Are you using bean validation annotations (like
> javax.validation.constraints.NotNull) on your properties?
> If not, there exists also an add-on for the non bean validation version.
> Is the target component a richfaces faces component or a standard JSF one
> ??
> I try to check with a RichFaces component tomorrow.
> regards
> Rudy.
> On 26 October 2010 22:32, Gerhard <> wrote:
>> hi ben,
>> thx for the information - we will check it!
>> (we haven't released the add-on - so we have to do some final tests.)
>> @rudy:
>> it would be nice if you can check the change with your applications.
>> regards,
>> gerhard
>> Your JSF powerhouse -
>> JSF Consulting, Development and
>> Courses in English and German
>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>> 2010/10/26 <>
>>> Just a short note that may be of interest.
>>> I was unable to get the ext-bv addon: Required Initialization for labels
>>> working "out of the box".
>>> After modifying
>>> as follows, it seems to work well now.
>>> protected void initComponent(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent
>>> uiComponent)
>>>     {
>>>         ...
>>>         //super.initComponent(facesContext, targetComponent);
>>>         ExtValUtils.configureComponentWithMetaData(facesContext,
>>> targetComponent, ExtValUtils.getTransformedMetaData(facesContext,
>>> targetComponent));
>>>         ...
>>>     }
>>> Any thoughts on this change? Is it appropriate?
>>> By the way, my web-app uses JSF 1.2, Facelets, RichFaces (3.3.3),
>>> Restfaces, and Orchestra.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Ben

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