Please vote on the proposed release of MyFaces Portlet Bridge 3.0.0-alpha. This is the alpha version of the Portlet Bridge for JSF 2.0. It includes all the base function of JSR329 updated to run in a JSF 2.0 environment. Some, though not all JSF 2.0 features are expressed/utilized. Most significant is Ajax support and Composite Component suppport. Note: this version of the bridge will not work with any currently released versions of MyFaces (try Trunk) and only mostly runs on released version of Mojarra (patches available). Likewise a patched version of Trinidad is needed to run the TCK (for those tests that depend on Trinidad).

Distributable components can be inspected in

Repository artifacts are at:

I have verified that the distributable jars run and pass the updated version of the JSR 329 TCK. In addition I have verified that the distributable examples run (on apache tomcat/pluto).

[ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
    and why..............


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