Mhh why is the project not hosted on apache extras which would be the perfect place for now?


Am 10/20/11 9:41 AM, schrieb Gerhard Petracek:
hi mark,

manila is the next generation of myfaces webapp-test.
you already mentioned one of the restrictions/issues of myfaces
webapp-test and that's the reason why we don't have a release (with
manila "everything" would change in the release afterwards).

manila solves most of the known issues and should replace webapp-test
"v1" as soon as we know that the approach of manila works in ci-servers.
imo we should test it before we move the code to apache, because it's
useless for us if there are basic issues (esp. in combination with jenkins).


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2011/10/20 Mark Struberg < <>>

    Hi folks!

    We now have 2 GSOC test projects which are based on Arquillian:

    a.) gsoc/webtest [1] which got implemented last year and is already
    in our SVN (but not yet released)  and

    b.) gsoc/manila [2] which is not yet granted to the ASF (or is it?)

    What is the state of both projects?

    If I understood them correctly both cover the same areas (at least

    Oh yes, and having to write something like:












    in a test Java class is an absolute no-go for me! This is terribly
    to maintain and will way too often be broken...

    Such things must NOT be part of any test class!




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