Hi, I was wondering how I can get the latest BSP on a MacOS installation.
Installing newt with brew gets version 1.5.0. The bsp is in 1.7.0

newt install

Skipping "apache-mynewt-core": already installed (1.5.0)

Skipping "mcuboot": already installed (0.0.0)

Skipping "apache-mynewt-nimble": already installed (1.0.0)

Skipping "mynewt_arduino_zero": already installed (0.0.0)


newt target set mytarget

newt build mytarget

gets me that error:

Error: Could not resolve BSP package:

my project file:


    type: github

    vers: 1-latest

    user: apache

    repo: mynewt-core

Still does not give me that BSP.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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