I'll leave the license stuff for Chris to address, it all seems reasonable to me. I was holding on my +1 for that, this time btw :=)

It looks like we'll need to remove the hashicorp stuff. bummer. luckily it looks easy enough to strip out, unlike the yaml stuff which was a pain.

I wanted to address the installation from source. Have you looked at the INSTALLING.md? That document should work, but as you point, is not compiling and installing from source tarball, but I wanted to double check you didn't have an error with this.

Regarding source tarball, I agree we need installation instructions for that: I believe you need to do a godeps restore if you want to compile from source tarball -- Chris did this portion, so I'll let him chime in. But this really should just be updating the README.


For Mynewt if I copy the source release to $GOPATH/src/mynewt.apache.org/ and 
try and compile I get this:
Fetching https://mynewt.apache.org/newt/newt/cli?go-get=1
ignoring https fetch with status code 404
Fetching http://mynewt.apache.org/newt/newt/cli?go-get=1
Parsing meta tags from http://mynewt.apache.org/newt/newt/cli?go-get=1 (status 
code 404)
import "mynewt.apache.org/newt/newt/cli": parse 
http://mynewt.apache.org/newt/newt/cli?go-get=1: no go-import meta tags
package mynewt.apache.org/newt/newt/cli: unrecognized import path 
Fetching https://mynewt.apache.org/newt/util?go-get=1
ignoring https fetch with status code 404
Fetching http://mynewt.apache.org/newt/util?go-get=1
Parsing meta tags from http://mynewt.apache.org/newt/util?go-get=1 (status code 
import "mynewt.apache.org/newt/util": parse 
http://mynewt.apache.org/newt/util?go-get=1: no go-import meta tags
package mynewt.apache.org/newt/util: unrecognized import path 


1. hw/mcu/stm/stm32f4xx/include/mcu/*
2. http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-b

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