I was suggesting it be moved to hw/drivers/nimble.

It’s similar to how other OSes do it, they tend to have the hw drivers in the drivers directory, even for the networking stack components. I don’t feel strongly about it, but thought, why shouldn’t we keep to convention.

I definitely think the HW drivers should use our device framework, unless there is a compelling reason not to. It will allow there to be a central registry of drivers, and if the BT stack needs to be suspended/resumed, that’s a logical place to hook it in?


On 15 Sep 2016, at 18:39, will sanfilippo wrote:

Just a nit; I need to digest this a bit more but will net/nimble/drivers be moved to drivers/nimble or hw/drivers/nimble?

I am also not sure why you would move what is in there into the drivers directory and make it conform to the standard drivers as I am not sure what that would mean for the BLE stack but we could do it if folks thought it a good idea.

On Sep 15, 2016, at 3:50 PM, Sterling Hughes <sterl...@apache.org> wrote:


I wanted to get this kicked off, so we can make the changes fairly quickly after the sterly_refactor merge next week (while still giving enough time for discussion.)

Please take this as a _rough_ first cut proposal. I want people to bikeshed this discussion, mainly because I only want to do this re-org once in the foreseeable future :-)

Proposed changes (on top of the sterly_refactor and develop branch.)

- IP and Wi-Fi support is moved from libs (e.g. libs/inet_def_service, libs/wifi_mgmt) and placed in the net/ directory.

- Any IP stack is moved into net/ip

- net/nimble/drivers is moved to drivers/nimble. These drivers are modified to conform to our driver framework.

- libs/tinycrypt and libs/mbedtls are placed in crypto/mbedtls, crypto/tinycrypt

- libs/bleuart is placed in net/nimble/host/profiles

- libs/bootutil, libs/boot_serial are both placed in boot/ along with apps/boot

- elua is completed removed from mynewt-core. mynewt-core should provide the core engine for any scripting language (JS, Lua, Python), but not bundle one by default.

- drivers is moved to hw/drivers, libs/cmsis-core is moved to hw/arch/arm/cmsis-core

- fcb is moved from sys/fcb to fs/fcb

- libs/console and libs/shell are moved to sys/console and sys/shell

- examples/ TLD is created, and libs/flash_test, libs/crash_test, apps/blecent, apps/bleprph, apps/bletest, apps/bletiny, apps/bleuart, apps/blinky, apps/slinky are all moved to examples.

- libs/os is moved to TLD “os” (or core/os? kern/os?)

- libs/testreport and libs/testutil are moved to a TLD “test/“

- libs/util is broken up into crypto/hash (base64, crc), time/datetime (datetime.c), and TPQ is deleted (where do we put cbmem? sys/defs? I think we should probably migrate queue.h from OS there too.)

- libs/imgmgr moved to mgmt/, libs/newtmgr moved to frameworks/newtmgr

- coap broken out of libs/iotivity and placed into net/.

- libs/iotivity broken into frameworks/oic.

- sys/mn_socket is moved to net/

- sys/reboot: should this be moved to boot or somewhere else, or just remain in sys/



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