Hello all,

I was checking some of the licenses in Mynewt, and I came across a
potential licensing issue.  The Nordic SDK v11 appears to use a license
that is too restrictive for an Apache project:


The first clause, Grant of License, seems to be problematic:

    1.  Grant of License 
    Subject to the terms in this Agreement Nordic grants Licensee a
    limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub licensable,
    revocable license ("License"): (a) to use the SDK as a development
    platform solely in connection with a Nordic Integrated Circuit ("nRF
    IC"), (b) to modify any source code contained in the SDK solely as
    necessary to implement products developed by Licensee that
    incorporate an nRF IC ("Licensee Product"), and (c) to distribute
    the SDK solely as implemented in Licensee Product.  Licensee shall
    not use the SDK for any purpose other than specifically authorized

I see that ARM got permission to replace this license with a BSD license
in some of the SDK files
(https://github.com/ARMmbed/ble-nrf51822/issues/1).  Unfortunately, they
don't use all the files we need, so we can't just replace our version
with the one from the mbed repo.

Does anyone happen to have any magic solution to this problem?  Maybe
Nordic has indicated somewhere that these files are meant to be


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