I would recommend doing what David does.

I see you having 2 options for dealing with stuff under repos:
1. freeze your project.yml, and check it in to you SCM, along with other 
    you’ve created.
   In project.yml you specify what git tag to use when you’re pulling in from 
those other,
   external, repositories.
   - pros: you can easily test whether you can move forward in versions with 
     repositories, you have file history available for everything under there, 
you don’t
     need to track these files under your SCM
2. remove the .git directory from external repos that you fetched, and then 
    everything to your SCM
   - pros; you have a copy of all the files

If you want to commit deeper, you can maintain your own repository in way 
to we do with apache-mynewt-core/mynewt_arduino_zero/nordic SDK repo. And
then use newt to pull your code under a different directory under repos/. But 
is by no means necessary; but makes sense if you want to maintain packages which
you want to share with other mynewt users.

At the moment newt only supports git as backend, but if you’re using some other 
that support can be added. We do appreciate contributions!

> On Feb 1, 2017, at 10:50 AM, David G. Simmons <santa...@mac.com> wrote:
> I'm no git expert, as anyone on this list can attest to, but here's one of 
> the ways I have dealt with this issue:
> The repos/ directory contains repos that are already under git, and that (for 
> the most part) I'm not making changes to. Where MY changes happen is under 
> the 'apps', 'targets' and my own 'libs' directories in 'myproj'
> For most of the stuff I have done, so far, I can simply make a git repository 
> of the targets/<app-name> directory and/or the apps/<app-name> directory and 
> be done. If I knew more about git, I'd probably be able to make a git 
> repository that had the targets/<app-name> and apps/<app-name> directories in 
> one repository, but I'm not. :-) And also add in the libs/my_driver/<driver 
> name> stuff as well.
> dg
>> On Feb 1, 2017, at 12:36 PM, Neilh <neil...@biomonitors.com 
>> <mailto:neil...@biomonitors.com>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Just got a dumb question to ask - I'm working through the tutorials and its 
>> well explained the standard SCM/git is on
>> "myproj/repos/apache-mynewt-core ((mynewt_1_0_0_b1_tag))]$"
>> However, after the basic tutorial, with a working "newt" environment, I need 
>> to have the whole sandbox from "myproj" be under SCM. Then with all those 
>> text files, if something stops working I can trace back.  Also, it seems 
>> like as a project matures I could have apps be a separate repository - this 
>> is starting to look quite complex - and would also need to be integrated 
>> into creating a signed image
>> "newt create-image <app> 1.0.0" . 
>> https://mynewt.apache.org/latest/newt/command_list/newt_create_image/ 
>> <https://mynewt.apache.org/latest/newt/command_list/newt_create_image/>
>> Seems the simplest scenario to begin with is setting up a top level git from 
>> "myproj", and at least have the capability to snapshot it from there.
>> Are there any thoughts/linkages/tutorial on doing this?
>> -- 
>> Neil Hancock
> --
> David G. Simmons
> (919) 534-5099
> Web <https://davidgs.com/> • Blog <https://davidgs.com/davidgs_blog> • 
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