Hi there.

Would like to know if someone ever test nimble on nRF51? There is a mynewt port for nRF51DK but I fail to make it work. It looks like that nRF51 BLE Tx code is broken. I tried to add gdb watchpoint to address 0x40001000 (where NRF_RADIO->TASKS_TXEN mapped): it never hits, i.e, Tx is never started and I can't see my advertising packets.
I use code from master branch, starting from here:
commit a7b80beee894584c6b32d90e925518784f375504
Author: Marko Kiiskila <ma...@runtime.io>
Date:   Wed Mar 22 11:40:39 2017 -0700
    repository.yml; add 1.0.0 tag

I don't see similar problems in mailing list. Either nobody tried nRF51 before or I'm doing something wrong. Any suggestions?

Many thanks.


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