Hi all,

It’s good to see our Release policy going into effect post 1.0 release. The 
develop branch is gone and feature branches have emerged. Smaller changes are 
being merged into the master branch which is now relatively up to date. Most of 
the feature branches are going to be long-lived, so wanted to discuss how to 
manage them efficiently. 

Typically, there is an “owner” for each feature branch who oversees the merges 
into that branch and periodically updates it with changes from master to keep 
it aligned with master and leverage recent changes. Currently we have 
“bluetooth5” - so we would need an owner for that. I can see other connectivity 
stacks (e.g. LoRa, sub-GHz) being built on separate feature branches. 

Please share your thoughts, concerns, suggestions. And do we have a volunteer 
for owning the “bluetooth5” feature branch? :)


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