
We're working on a basic iOS (and later Android) app to do some of the tasks newtmgr does, but via a mobile app you can download in the app store. It's intentionally limited for the moment, but you can monitor stats, tasks and perform firmware updates in a common dual bank setup. The most useful feature in my opinion is that you can live 'stream' the stats, so you have a wireless window in the current state of the HW.

We'd like to have a couple testers for it before we release, and I can add a few people to TestFlight for feedback, but I'd really like to limit it to people who have the time to provide some feedback. The code will be open source once published, and we will contribute this to the community, but to get it into the app store we need to kick the tires in first. Ideally, community involved in expanding the app would be welcome, but we've made a first pass at putting something together.

If you have the time and interest in evaluating this, and some Swift experience would be even better, please reply here or email me the address associated with your Apple account and we can add you.


PS: Everything is currently based on the 1.0.0 tag to keep things consistent across users.

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