Hi Pierre,

First, don't worry about asking a lot of questions.  There are probably
others with the same questions who will benefit from your asking them!

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 04:32:20PM +0100, Pierre Kircher wrote:
> the breakpoint points on main.c 129 > apps/bleprph/src
> Reading symbols from 
> /Users/pkircher/dev/puck/bin/targets/bleprph/app/apps/bleprph/bleprph.elf...
> done.
> os_tick_idle (ticks=595) at 
> repos/apache-mynewt-core/hw/mcu/nordic/nrf52xxx/src/hal_os_tick.c:200
> 200       if (ticks > 0) {
> Not implemented stop reason (assuming exception): undefined
> never hits that breakpoint - is that a known issue ?

That is not a known issue.  My guess is that the API call immediately
before that point (ble_gap_adv_set_fields) is failing for some reason.
One common reason is that the app is trying to put too much data into
the advertisement.  For example, this happens if you are using a very
long name.  I would backtrack a bit; set a breakpoint on
bleprph_advertise() and see if your app gets there.

FYI, here is the expected sequence of events:
    1. main()
    2. bleprph_on_sync() (communication established among host and
    3. bleprph_advertise (called from bleprph_on_sync()).


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