Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Le 11 mars 08 à 08:10, Samphan Raruenrom a écrit :

Customized Build

We try not to build any more customized version (stop promoting and developing the local branded OOo - OfficeTLE and PladaoOffice). However when OOo 2.3 released, there is a bug that prevents some Thai ODF from opening. So ODP must released a temporally version to fix this in November 2007. We only recommended local users to use the ODP version until OOo 2.3.1 released later.

I'm going to upload your report to the NLC website. Nonetheless, I would like to ask you what the problem was with the Thai documents. Could that be something related to the format and not to the application?

Thanks :)
It is about ICU. The issue number is 81519 - which was fixed. The announcement for the special version is here -

_/|\_ Samphan Raruenrom. Open Source Development Co., Ltd.
Tel: +66 38 311816, Fax: +66 38 773128,

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