Herewith the log of the meeting; thanks to Khirano.



<Mr_Dust> hello, all.
<Mr_Dust> hello khirano.
<khirano> hi JiHui Choi san
<Mr_Dust> you know, louis will be late.
=-= Mr_Dust is now known as Jihui
=-= Jihui is now known as Jihui_Choi
<khirano> Yes, I have read his mail to the list
<Jihui_Choi> So I think you must be the host. :)
<Jihui_Choi> khirano: I heard louis is going to visit to Japan in Jun
23, isn't he?
<khirano> Yes, he is.
<Jihui_Choi> Great. I really want to join with you, even if I can't
do anything.
<Jihui_Choi> But I think I may not be able to.
-->| santhosh (n=santh...@ has joined #oooregional
<Jihui_Choi> Japan is not far. so if I could go, it'll be nice.
<santhosh> Hi all :)
<Jihui_Choi> hi, santhosh
<Jihui_Choi> I'm from korea. santhosh, where are you from?
<santhosh> Jihui_Choi: I am from India
<Jihui_Choi> Oh, India.
<Jihui_Choi> It's a great place with fully spirits. :) I'm sorry in
fact I don't know much about India.
-->| atjensen (
has joined #oooregional
<Jihui_Choi> hi, atjensen
<atjensen> Howdy
<Jihui_Choi> :)
<atjensen> Looks like I was late again and missed everything
<Jihui_Choi> atjensen: yeah. you're late, but you didn't miss anything. ;)
<Jihui_Choi> we just come in here. and we're just saying hello.
<atjensen> I see..
<santhosh> hi atjensen
<atjensen> Hello santhosh
<atjensen> I saw on the mailing list that Louis said he may be late
today...guess folks are just waiting for him to get started
<Jihui_Choi> I read, too. :)
<atjensen> Does anyone know if Alexandro (et al) managed to get a
Thursday meeting started?
<Jihui_Choi> well.. I have no idea. sorry.
<atjensen> I suppose that given noone seems to be talking about what
happened at these meetings on the mailing lists that they never
<atjensen> Just wondering if I am the only one thinking this is not
exactly the best use of everyones time?
<Jihui_Choi> atjensen: humm. This is good time for people of only some region.
<Jihui_Choi> But we can't seperate thie meeting.
<santhosh> atjensen: well, I think we need not sit silent, let us
have some discussion... :)
<atjensen> oh, no I did not mean the time of day or that we
'separate' - I was just thinking that if there was some type of agenda
then 'the folks here' could start things off and not just be
<atjensen> congrgated waiting
<santhosh> Jihui_Choi, atjensen: We have a special requirement in
migration of documents from prop. format to open format..
<atjensen> yes - the transcript is available to all, even the late ones
<santhosh> a batch conversion along with the encoding conversion..
<Jihui_Choi> So IMHO it's better to change the time. I can't explain
exactly. one meeting will be held on 13:00 UTC for asia, ans next
meeting will be help on 1:00 UTC for Europe
<santhosh> Do you have any experience in this? Any such utilities existing ?
<atjensen> Santhosh - I don't really, but I do know that there are
batch cnversion utlitlites discussed from time to time in the forums
and mailing lists..
<Jihui_Choi> what is a batch conversion utility?
<santhosh> Jihui_Choi: it is like converting a set of .doc format to
ODF without manual intervension
<Jihui_Choi> ah.. I see.
<santhosh> atjensen: thanks, I got some links when I searched
<atjensen> If I may ask a question of the folks here.
<atjensen> Your involvement with this Regional Group idea - are most
of you looking to organize a large geographical area? Is anyone
looking at a very small area ( < 3 Million people lets say)
<Jihui_Choi> atjensen: in last time, I asked about that. The answer
is "no one care about it."
<santhosh> atjensen: Even though I am from Indic group, effectively
we have smaller groups...
<santhosh> we have a number of languages spanning across the states
in India here
<Jihui_Choi> The region means not land, not nation, not language, but
what you want to define..
<atjensen> Also - are any of you thinking about trying to build
something akin to a 'channel partner' network within your area. Here I
man something like 'solution providers' would be regarded by corporate
<atjensen> Jihui_choi - yes I got that from the last meeting...but my
guess is that 'individually' we have a more concrete definition in
<Jihui_Choi> atjensen: I agree. but Is it need to distinguish?
<Jihui_Choi> I work for ubuntu community. we have a lot of loco teams.
<atjensen> actually you may be right, there may be no need to do so
<ain> I'm looking for small region
<ain> about 5 millions
<Jihui_Choi> and in each loco tean has a contact. contact is a
persion who stands for the locoteam, and deliever infomations.
<ain> (forgot to say Hi!)
<Jihui_Choi> I am a contact of korean team.
<Jihui_Choi> It's a good system. but I don't think we need it. :)
<atjensen> Jihui - do you mean we don't need 'the locotem contact' or
the idea of 'solution providers'?
<atjensen> Let me come at this another way.
<Jihui_Choi> atjensen: well.. if you feel it's need, you can get it,
but I mean every region group doesn't need to have
<Jihui_Choi> we already have a leader of each local communities.
<atjensen> Any ideas/opinions on how to use OO.o (specifically) to
build up local (small) business in the IT field. [I have to plead
guilty to being a die hard free market person]
<Jihui_Choi> I;m sorry. my english is not good. so I can't tell you
what I really want to say.
<atjensen> *smile*...that's OK, it is much better then my Korean
<Jihui_Choi> This is my idea. so I think we already have a contact
and base of region group
<atjensen> Thanks..that helps me understand
<Jihui_Choi> atjensen: It's a just my idea. I don't know why this
meeting started and for what.
<Jihui_Choi> khirano: are you there?
<Jihui_Choi> Would you tell us why regiongroup project started?
<khirano> You mean "why CJK group strated"?
<Jihui_Choi> no. the regiongroup for the whole OOo community.
<Jihui_Choi> for cjk, we discussed in Beijing. So I knew
<khirano> OK, let me try to explain.
<khirano> Currently our communiies are based on languages, which are
NL, Native language projects
<khirano> But these are not enough to organize local communities.
<khirano> I didn't know that in Switzerland, German, French and
Italian are spoken :)
<Jihui_Choi> khirano: you're right. in spanish-I don't know much-
there're too many areas which is used.
<khirano> Now if OOo users and developers in Switzerland would like
to organize a meeting or marketing activity, there should be an
regional group regardless their languages.
-->| MechtiIde ( has joined #oooregional
<khirano> I think if there is "a regional group", it will be easy for
OOo users and developers to meet geographically or physically
<Jihui_Choi> humm. so.. regiongourp is near to geographical meaning.
<khirano> I think Louis was also emphasizing on this point, "to meet
face to face"
<atjensen> yes..that was a strong point, this 'face to face
<Jihui_Choi> I understand. thank you khirano san :)
<khirano> So I think there will be various regional groups, tiny
groups, small groups, and bigger groups etc. :)
<khirano> I live in Doya area, Ichinoseki city, Iwate prefecture
(like a state in U.S.), Japan.
<khirano> If I organize 5 OOo users in Doya area, I can say I have an
OOo regional group with 5 people :)
<atjensen> Khirano - can I stop you there for just a second...can you
tell me what you meant by 'organize' when you used it there... Let's
say the 5 people have a lunch together and talk about that
<khirano> Now this tiny group can plan a meeting and ask OOo
Community Council to fund pizza for the meeting
<atjensen> For the 5, are they organized?
<Jihui_Choi> I think "organize" means just a meeting with users.
<Jihui_Choi> doesn't it?
<khirano> "Organize" means "to get a member to a group to do
something for"
<atjensen> I the focus, in your mind, is one of
prostelitizing, recruiting...not 'what OO.o can do for the user'..
<khirano> "Something" means a meeting, a talk, a bug hunting party,
learning about OOo together etc.
|<-- MechtiIde has left freenode (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
<khirano> Drew: A regional group will meet to think and discuss about
"What OOo can do for the user"
<ain> a regional group could get money from geographically
overlapping regional programs
<atjensen> yes, of course.
<atjensen> Thanks guys, I really need to scoot...take care and best
of luck with the project(s)...
|<-- atjensen has left freenode ("Leaving")
<Jihui_Choi> wow.. it's 14:44 UTC. in our area, 11:44 pm.
<Jihui_Choi> I have to go, too.
<khirano> Time to go to bed now for me
<khirano> Jihui: Thanks
<Jihui_Choi> see you, khirano, santhosh and ain. :)
<khirano> See you
<Jihui_Choi> thank you, all :)
<--| Jihui_Choi has left #oooregional
<--| santhosh has left #oooregional
<khirano> ain: Thanks.
<khirano> ain: I would like to discuss about how a regional group
handles money, next time


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