Charles-H. Schulz schreef:
> Hello everyone,
> I just wanted to clarify things (again).
> I am going to leave the project / we, the founders of the Document
> Foundation, are going to leave the project at some given time and have
> every intention to keep things clear and clean.
> But I/we are not going to be thrown out by people who just feel they
> can get away with zero formality, and zero explanation, and by ignoring
> our very own guidelines.

Didn't Louis already explain that that is not what's happening?

> Is that clear to everyone? I'm not insane, I
> just want, just like the people from Oracle, a bit of respect.

The way I see it, you're actually getting that, while not exactly trying
hard to earn it. Please try to be rational and keep following that
intention to keep things clear and clean.

Vriendelijke groet,

Simon Brouwer
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