Dear all,
  I continued testing NB 11.1 beta2 trying some Java EE related
functionalities with both Maven and Gradle projects.

I reported two more minor issues:

   1. NETBEANS-2791
   and Payara servers download leaves spurious directory on filesystem
      1. NETBEANS-2792
         EE Run output tab remains in running state (bold title) after

but otherwise I had a pleasant experience.

Loved the function to automatically download GlassFish and Payara from the
Servers dialog (Tool > Servers), it should be extended to Apache Tomcat as
well (and maybe Apache TomEE as well).

I tried Java EE 7 at the moment will try Java EE 8 with beta3 to wait for
the fixes to already reported issues.
I can say for now that with NB 11.1 the maven web application projects are
very different in content when using Java EE 8  over Java EE 7, is it
because of the different maven archetypes used under the hood? I found the
Java EE 8 maven web application project a bit too "opinionated".

Keep up the good work!


Il giorno mar 2 lug 2019 alle ore 11:24 Alessandro <>
ha scritto:

> Dear all,
>   I am test driving the new beta with a focus on Java development with
> Maven and Gradle: so far so good.
> No major problems encountered apart from NETBEANS-2783
> <>, which affects also
> version 11.0 and probably earlier version back to 8.2.
> Will continue the tests and report back any problems.
> Keep up the good work!!!
> Regards,
> Alex

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