big thumbs up to Neil for his work as  Release Manager! And of course to
all others involved!


Il giorno lun 22 lug 2019 alle ore 13:28 Geertjan Wielenga <
geert...@apache.org> ha scritto:

> Hi all,
> With the 11.1 release wrapped up, let's take a moment to thank Neil for his
> great work as release manager.
> We can and will evaluate the release in various ways, though the most
> important aspect of it is that it succeeded, we have our first release as
> top level Apache project, and no small reason for that is Neil pulling
> everything together and getting everyone to work together smoothly and
> painlessly.
> Plus, thanks to Neil we now have a predictable release cycle with quarterly
> releases — that is fantastic and something I’d never have thought doable.
> I hope Neil will consider doing at least the 11.2 release too, since that
> will enable any kinks in the process to be ironed out in preparation for
> the next volunteer release manager, like Laszlo did two releases as well
> before him.
> Kind regards and congrats to all of us as well,
> Gj

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