Thank you Neil, for steering this big ship into the harbor this time and thank you for your patience!

On 7/22/19 4:28 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
Hi all,

With the 11.1 release wrapped up, let's take a moment to thank Neil for his
great work as release manager.

We can and will evaluate the release in various ways, though the most
important aspect of it is that it succeeded, we have our first release as
top level Apache project, and no small reason for that is Neil pulling
everything together and getting everyone to work together smoothly and

Plus, thanks to Neil we now have a predictable release cycle with quarterly
releases — that is fantastic and something I’d never have thought doable.

I hope Neil will consider doing at least the 11.2 release too, since that
will enable any kinks in the process to be ironed out in preparation for
the next volunteer release manager, like Laszlo did two releases as well
before him.

Kind regards and congrats to all of us as well,


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