On 10/4/19 12:27 PM, Neil C Smith wrote:
After making sure both java -version and javac -version give 8,
cd into the netbeans directory and run `ant` as per
Thank you, Neil. That prompted me to figure out how I got off to such a bad start. It was JAVA_HOME.

I think it went like this ...

I made sure, as you suggest, to have the correct JDK and Ant versions on my PATH:

  $ which java; java -version
  openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
  OpenJDK Runtime Environment
    (build 1.8.0_222-8u222-b10-1ubuntu1~16.04.1-b10)
  OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)

  $ which javac; javac -version
  javac 1.8.0_222

  $ which ant; ant -version
  Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.7 compiled on September 1 2019

But when I ran the build, I got compilation errors:

  $ ant
[javac] /home/john/tmp/netbeans/nbbuild/build/langtools/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/platform/JDKPlatformProvider.java:120: error: reference to newFileSystem is ambiguous [javac] ctSym2FileSystem.put(file, fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(file, null));
  [javac]                                            ^
[javac] both method newFileSystem(Path,ClassLoader) in FileSystems and method newFileSystem(Path,Map<String,?>) in FileSystems match
  [javac] 4 errors
  [javac] 9 warnings

  Total time: 16 seconds

The compilation errors were due to Ant using the JDK commands defined by the JAVA_HOME environment variable instead of the ones on my PATH:

  $ ant -diagnostics | grep java.version
  ant.java.version: 13
  java.version : 13
  java.version.date : 2019-09-17

And JAVA_HOME was defined because I'm building NetBeans on my development workstation instead of on a separate build machine as I do for JavaFX and the JDK.

I think "mlist" had a similar problem with ANT_HOME, which will cause the "ant" command on your PATH to transform itself into whatever version is defined by the environment variable! Setting all these environment variables explicitly in a simple Bash script solved the problems for both of us.

In retrospect, it would be nice to have a fourth item on the page you linked:

  Apache NetBeans source and daily builds

  Building from source

  You can of course build Apache NetBeans from source. To do so:

  1. Clone the https://github.com/apache/netbeans GitHub repository.
  2. Install Oracle’s Java or Open JDK (v8, v11).
  3. Install Apache Ant 1.10 or greater (https://ant.apache.org/).
  4. Unset JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME, or set them both appropriately.

Thanks again,

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