Hi all,

Ideally, Oracle would donate the Python modules as part of the 6th (and
hopefully final) donation.

However, unlike everything else donated so far, the code in the Python
modules was not written by Sun or Oracle engineers.

The argument could be made that since the code was part of contrib under
the OCA (Oracle Contributor Agreement), it belongs to Oracle and Oracle can
simply donate it.

However, this has a number of disadvantages, including that Oracle won’t be
able to donate all the code involved since some of it will be difficult to
identify the ownership of.

Better would be if the authors of the Python modules would themselves
contribute the code to Apache.

And this is permitted by Oracle — something I discussed while still working
there with Oracle Legal folks.

So, is Lou Dasaro and other Python module authors around to do this?

And will the code be owned by someone/s specific and actively developed —
I’d vote against receiving more code that will not be owned by anyone.

Of course, I don’t work for nor speak for Oracle, though since the Python
code does not belong to Oracle, except if one sees the OCA as granting
ownership to Oracle, so these are just my personal thoughts based on being
involved in this donation process for some years now.



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