In order to double check that my update server had complete dependencies, I
installed a freshly-built build from master a couple of days ago and ran it
on a clean userdir - same experience anyone downloading it for the first
time will have.

 - Microscopic font sizes on a high-dpi screen and not antialiased (I
submitted a pull request to fix this almost a year ago - )
 - J2SE projects (Ant-based) are not recognized.  On using Open File to
open a file in such a project, I get the admonishment to install nb-javac
 - After installing nb-javac, J2SE Ant-based projects are *still* not
enabled and such projects are not recognized (maven projects are)

Basically, unless you're a netbeans expert, you are not going to know
about, or easily find information on
 - Adding -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd_hrgb to
 - Adding --fontsize nn to $NB_HOME/etc/netbeans.conf
 - Manually enabling J2SE projects and dependencies in Tools | Plugins - a
new user doesn't know what a plugin is.

Are we just producing builds for NetBeans experts, and we don't care if
anyone else uses it?  Because this is a recipe for "I installed it and I
couldn't read the text and couldn't open anything.  It's junk.  Don't
bother with it."  If we have the slightest ambition of releasing
professional-quality software, failing to fix low-hanging-fruit problems
any new user is going to encounter in the first five minutes using it and
have no idea how to fix is totally, totally unacceptable.

Do *not* reply with "Well, some nice vendor is going to create their own
distribution and fix the user experience."  It's a cop-out and in fact
nobody is doing that.



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