The problem is that
<> redirects to
mirrors that are not white listed. The list changes too often to be
maintained by me and accepted by my company.

Is there a list somewhere of those mirrors?

Ideally I would like to add a new update center that always points to the
same domain. and are already white listed at our

Any ideas?



On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 11:42 AM Jean-Marc Borer <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Same story again and again for me: I cannot update Netbeans through the
> update center because it redirects to random mirrors. At our company, they
> filter out everything related to java except for white listed sites. The
> process is long, tedious for me and not always successful to add new sites
> to the list.
> Wouldn't it be possible to have an update center that is not relying on
> mirrors so that I can have a single place from which my company allows me
> to download Java items from?
> Cheers,
> JM

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