Am Sonntag, den 06.09.2020, 08:57 +0100 schrieb Neil C Smith:
> On Sun, 6 Sep 2020 at 04:50, Jaroslav Tulach <> 
> wrote:
> > When I click the above URL I get to:
> >
> Are you sure?!  I can't check at the moment, can't seem to connect to
> a lot of Apache right now for some reason.  Trying to check with -
> curl -sLD -
> -o /dev/null
> If you're getting updatesxml.gz from a mirror we have an
> infrastructure problem that needs sorting out!  The catalog should
> always be served from the NetBeans VM, only the nbms from the mirrors
> - catalog on the mirrors is not correct.

"The above URL" is 

and that is correctly redirected to one of the mirrors, but this:

is not. This is the intended behaviour. If a user manually downloads
the file from a mirror, he is required to verify the signaure by ASF
policy. If that happens - great, if not, the user shot himself into his

> > I assume all the links from `updates.xml` are then relative.
> The IDE treats as relative from the original link, not the end point.
> This is the cause of problems, hence question about absolute linked
> catalogs per mirror.

Even the endpoint, that serves the updates.xml.gz is not the right
point for the binary downloads. See my other reply for a possible
solution, handling the creation of absolute links on the apache



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