On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 2:31 PM Eric Bresie <ebre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As I don’t work for Oracle nor did I work on the nbPython work I didn’t > want to make assumptions on licenses. > > I thought I recalled when trying to get the Kolin support brought in, that > it required some work from the donator side. If that is not correct then > we can go ahead and re-license as applicable. > I don't believe any work is required from the donor side of things. Once they have signed the license agreement and sent it over to Apache, it's ours to do as we wish. The FIRST THING that should be done is properly apply/update the license header in the donated source code. Silly question but which Apache license should these be re-licensed to? > Apache License 2.0.. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Also assume there are some files (binary list files, some xml files, etc) > that might not requiring the licenses to be added. If so then how do those > get excluded? > There is an equivalent Apache license for our XML files. I remember fixing a few of those in the CND module source code. -brad w.