Since nobody reacted, I checked the source code myself and it seems that it
doesn't use any maven archetype at all, it just creates the folders and the
pom.xml file itself. Is that right?
May I ask what's the reason, and why it doesn't create the project by
calling maven like any other template does?
The reason why I am asking all these questions is that I am writing an
article for beginners about Maven and it's integration in Netbeans and I
would like to know about this as much as possible...

On 2021/04/07 21:07:53, Vladimir Machat <> wrote:
> Hi,>
> I have been trying to figure out what maven archetype is used when >
> creating a new project choosing Java with Maven - Java Application. I >
> always assumed it was the >
> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart,>
> but only recently I realised it's not, as it doesn't create the
> file and the pom.xml looks different.>
> Can anybody tell me what archetype it is?>
> Thanks>
> Vlad>
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