On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 2:18 PM Ty Young <youngty1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe a bit too negative, even for me. Netbeans has seen various
> improvements over the years although it does feel slow and small. I
> suppose that's just because of it being purely Open Source and not
> having a paid for version with which full time people can be paid to
> work on it. Although, ironically, despite being a paid product, intellij
> still has worse Maven support integration than Netbeans from what I've
> experienced.

Honestly, this is as much an issue with the JDK as it is with NB.

Nobody wants JDK 6 for 10 years, but the current crazy pace means that NB
folks have to spend a whole bunch of time maintaining the status quo, much
less add anything new, or bring older stuff up to date.

Obviously this is a "small team" syndrome, and perhaps could be mitigated
somewhat if the NB team said "We're only supporting LTS versions", to give
them some breathing room, but I think that's not really what the community
or the developers are looking for.

Which is why it's even more important for the community to step up on the
fringes to help keep the system current.


Will Hartung

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