If Neil’s plan to bundle NetBeans with Zulu and make it available from his
site succeeds, then Deep Netts and others should be able to reuse that


On Tue, 23 Nov 2021 at 09:31, Zoran Sevarac <seva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any info about the best way to bundle OpenJDK with Netbeans
> Platform Application?
> I've tried setting on conf file
> netbeans_jdkhome="zulu8.58.0.13-ca-jdk8.0.312-win_x64"
> But when I run the app it keeps using the default jre (shown in About
> dialog).
> I've tried the absolute path with the same result.
> Is it possible to specify which JRE NetBeans should use to run on?
> Thanks
> Zoran
> --
> Zoran Sevarac, PhD, Associate Professor
> University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Department for
> Software Engineering
> Java Champion <https://community.oracle.com/community/java/java-champions>
> | Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador | Deep Netts <http://www.deepnetts.com>
> Co-founder & CEO

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