Using jdkhome worked. Thanks!
Using it with installers would be even better! Let me take a look at
NBPackage and we'll continue the discussion .


On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 10:28 AM Neil C Smith <> wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Nov 2021 at 08:31, Zoran Sevarac <> wrote:
> > Is there any info about the best way to bundle OpenJDK with Netbeans
> > Platform Application?
> > I've tried setting on conf file
> > netbeans_jdkhome="zulu8.58.0.13-ca-jdk8.0.312-win_x64"
> Note that the platform and the IDE have different properties for this
> - you want to be using jdkhome.
> They also have different launchers that behave differently with this
> property - the IDE needs an absolute path, the platform can use a
> relative one.
> What's your build system?  I've got an Ant build that does this -
> particularly see
> As Geertjan mentioned, I'm working on a tool called NBPackage to build
> native packages / installers from a IDE or platform zip build, with
> optional JDK - this is at
> Because of the current different behaviour of the launchers, NBPackage
> uses other ways of bundling incidentally - eg. the InnoSetup installer
> sets --jdkhome in the parameters of the shortcut.
> On Tue, 23 Nov 2021 at 09:01, Zoran Sevarac <> wrote:
> > Great!
> > @Neil let me know if I can help.
> Absolutely!  Please do.  I've been tied up with the release recently,
> but discussion / help around NBPackage welcome, particularly with
> regard to RCP applications.  I intend to use for that as well, but
> testing so far been IDE centric.
> Best wishes,
> Neil
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Zoran Sevarac, PhD, Associate Professor
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Department for
Software Engineering
Java Champion <>
| Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador | Deep Netts <>
Co-founder & CEO

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