You just shook my tree to start contributing again, I have been a bit quiet
lately due to time constraints, but I do mean to get back on the horse.

On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 at 22:08, Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Some interesting reading:
> As established thus far, there is no impact on NetBeans for the log4j
> situation in terms of attack vectors, since NetBeans doesn't use v2 and the
> v1 scenario doesn't apply to NetBeans.
> However, there are other issues involved here, as described in the links
> above.
> When I see out of nowhere e-mails arriving here from addresses that we've
> never heard of, with domain names that are clearly large multinational
> enterprises, who we never hear of except now that there is potentially a
> security hole in the software they've been freeloading without contributing
> anything to, well, it's unacceptable. And we never hear from those e-mail
> addresses again after calming their concern, until the next time, etc.
> For me personally, I may be arriving at a situation where I'm going to be
> ignoring e-mails clearly coming from corporations and (to avoid those
> people switching to gmail accounts) to people not participating at all
> other than raising issues and demanding immediate assistance and asking for
> help in one way or another.
> The choices you have are simple: pay money to a commercial provider or pay
> time to the open source projects you're using. Time does not mean filing an
> issue and it does not mean writing a mail voicing your frustration. It
> means responding to other people when they have questions and at least
> investigating the issue you're reporting since after all you're a developer
> on all of NetBeans is on GitHub for you to investigate.
> I'm not writing this on behalf of the PMC but just under my own name and
> title. :-)
> Gj

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