Installer:  0

NetBeans 13: 0 (repeated in NetBeans Thread)

√ Downloads % shasum -a 512 -c Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg.sha512

Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg: OK

Double-clicking on Package on a Monterey 12.2.1 M1Pro machine, yields

*“Apache NetBeans 13.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for
malicious software.*

and no way to proceed except click OK without installing.

Right-click Open provides the same warning but the open option to continue
the install.

***installer*** It may be useful to tell folks to use right-click Open
somewhere (perhaps in the DMG with a graphic)

Did not import 12.6’s config

There is a White projects/navigator background rather than gray as in past.

Tried existing project, Code compiles / runs

I have a program that runs and builds up files in the template directory.
It runs but when I create a new Maven Java Project, it does not use the
template for the main method but rather sticks in


 * Click
nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to
change this license

 * Click
to edit this template


***Installer*** The nbfs:// URL is not clickable.  Should the installer be
registering nbfs: to invoke NetBeans?

***NetBeans*** Should the generator of the Maven project be checking to see
if there is a template for Java Main Class and use it rather than generate
its own reference?

The workaround is straightforward, just delete the autogenerated file, then
generate another Java Main class using the file generation tooling which
does use existing templates.


On Feb 25, 2022 at 3:49:30 PM, John Mc <> wrote:

> Vote for Apache NetBeans 13 macOS installer.
> Primary voting artefact :
> SHA512 checksum :
> 29810edcbcfab3b4ece2a587defeee8d8a55f8fd03a2ac8d3e723e14c679d4481c6cf3b9f2fbf715109da7ba5bd63e03f7760fac1ef23112e7199a5e151f21f3
> KEYS file :
> PGP signature file :
> Built locally using the artefacts found in the Jenkins job:
> This vote is going to be open at least 72 hours, vote with +1, 0, and
> -1 as usual. Please mark your vote with (binding) if you're an Apache
> NetBeans PMC member.
> This vote is dependent on the main Apache NetBeans 13 release vote passing.
> Regards
> John

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