I'm going to cancel this vote thread.

I did notarize the app during the creation of this installer[1], however I
might have committed to SVN a different version of the bundle, I'm not sure
right now - I do know  I deviated slightly from my normal routine so I must
have messed up somewhere.

Here is what's being reported when you try to open the installer:

assessment denied for Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg

com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.security.assessment.outcome2

com.apple.message.signature2: bundle:UNBUNDLED

com.apple.message.signature: denied:no usable signature

com.apple.message.signature3: Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg

com.apple.message.signature5: UNKNOWN

com.apple.message.signature4: 3

SenderMachUUID: 8702454A-423C-33A4-BDAA-656186E59614

Once I know more later on today I will create a new vote thread.

Note: the one issue reported here is just a warning, and we've had it for a
few previously releases without any issue


On Fri, 25 Feb 2022 at 23:11, David Green <dgreen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Installer:  0
> NetBeans 13: 0 (repeated in NetBeans Thread)
> √ Downloads % shasum -a 512 -c Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg.sha512
> Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg: OK
> Double-clicking on Package on a Monterey 12.2.1 M1Pro machine, yields
> *“Apache NetBeans 13.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for
> malicious software.*
> and no way to proceed except click OK without installing.
> Right-click Open provides the same warning but the open option to continue
> the install.
> ***installer*** It may be useful to tell folks to use right-click Open
> somewhere (perhaps in the DMG with a graphic)
> Did not import 12.6’s config
> There is a White projects/navigator background rather than gray as in past.
> Tried existing project, Code compiles / runs
> I have a program that runs and builds up files in the template directory.
> It runs but when I create a new Maven Java Project, it does not use the
> template for the main method but rather sticks in
> /*
>  * Click
> nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to
> change this license
>  * Click
> nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Project/Maven2/JavaApp/src/main/java/${packagePath}/${mainClassName}.java
> to edit this template
>  */
> ***Installer*** The nbfs:// URL is not clickable.  Should the installer be
> registering nbfs: to invoke NetBeans?
> ***NetBeans*** Should the generator of the Maven project be checking to see
> if there is a template for Java Main Class and use it rather than generate
> its own reference?
> The workaround is straightforward, just delete the autogenerated file, then
> generate another Java Main class using the file generation tooling which
> does use existing templates.
> Dave
> On Feb 25, 2022 at 3:49:30 PM, John Mc <mcdonnell.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Vote for Apache NetBeans 13 macOS installer.
> >
> > Primary voting artefact :
> >
> >
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/netbeans/netbeans-installers/13/Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg
> >
> > SHA512 checksum :
> >
> >
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/netbeans/netbeans-installers/13/Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg.sha512
> >
> >
> >
> 29810edcbcfab3b4ece2a587defeee8d8a55f8fd03a2ac8d3e723e14c679d4481c6cf3b9f2fbf715109da7ba5bd63e03f7760fac1ef23112e7199a5e151f21f3
> >
> > KEYS file :
> > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/netbeans/KEYS
> >
> > PGP signature file :
> >
> >
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/netbeans/netbeans-installers/13/Apache-NetBeans-13-bin-macosx.dmg.asc
> >
> > Built locally using the artefacts found in the Jenkins job:
> >
> >
> https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Netbeans/job/netbeans-TLP/job/netbeans/job/release130/20/
> >
> > This vote is going to be open at least 72 hours, vote with +1, 0, and
> > -1 as usual. Please mark your vote with (binding) if you're an Apache
> > NetBeans PMC member.
> >
> > This vote is dependent on the main Apache NetBeans 13 release vote
> passing.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > John
> >

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