The page has grown a lot --

Also trying to gather, where possible, team size and user statistics,
however those are gathered for specific projects. If you've added your
project and can share that info, that would help -- basically trying to get
a picture of the whole NetBeans Platform landscape, though it will never be
a really complete picture.


On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 6:39 PM, Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Started this page, so we have a handy registry of all the products on top
> of Apache NetBeans (incubating):
> Please add additional ones, for yourself, your organization, or any that
> you're aware of -- I'll be adding more too but there's just so many of them
> that it will take a long time on my own. I plan to add 10 per day.
> Thanks,
> Gj

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